The Personal Portfolio of Matthew Howard

The Personal Portfolio of Matthew Howard

Hello, world!


My name is Matthew Howard. I'm in the U.S. Air Force where I'm currently stationed at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, CO. I joined in 2002 and have served all over the world from San Antonio, TX to Osan, Republic of South Korea to both Ramstein and Geilenkirchen, Germany and everywhere in between. Please click the button below to learn more about me.

About Me

This is a biosite I created on my daughter for web-200.

Heroku Deployed Apps

This will take you to my Express API Gateway app deployed on Heroku.

Personal Portfolio

This is a link to my personal portfolio on GitHub.

GitHub Logo
Web-230: Introduction to Enterprise JavaScript

This link will take you to the work I've completed in web-230.

GitHub Logo
Web-330: Enterprise JavaScript II

This link will take you to work I've completed in web-330.

GitHub Logo
Web-335: Introduction to NoSQL

This link will take you to work I've completed in web-335.

GitHub Logo
Web-340: NodeJS with Express

This link will take you to the work I've completed in web-340.

GitHub Logo
Web-420: RESTful Web APIs

This link will take you to work I've completed in web-420.

GitHub Logo
Web-425: Angular 2 Devlopment with TypeScript

This link will take you to the work I've completed in web-425.

MEAN Stack html-css
MEAN Stack Development Project

This will take you to my Bob's Computer Repair Shop (BCRS) app deployed on Heroku.